Carolina Spaces Wins Best Luxury Staging from International Luxury Lifestyle Magazine Featured

LUX Life Magazine, an international luxury lifestyle magazine, has awarded Carolina Spaces Furniture & Design with the 2018 Leading Designer Award for "Most Outstanding Luxury Staging - North Carolina."

The United Kingdom-based magazine chose the winners based on merit. Their in-house research team analyzed the past 12 months of Carolina Spaces' performance and commitment, as well as their methods, to ensure that the award went to the most deserving.

"We have scoured the design market in search of the very best, and we are proud to showcase their success in this prestigious awards programme," said Nathan Angell, Awards Coordinator.

"This international recognition was totally unexpected with no campaigning involved. We are extremely grateful and humbled to have received this prestigious award," said Joan Inglis, Carolina Spaces' founder, owner and lead designer.

"With the international recognition of our luxury home staging services, combined with inquiries from international luxury real estate firms and property owners, we are pleased to announce publicly that our model home merchandising and design services are available on the international level."

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