Charlotte's Interior Design and Home Staging Leader Provides Expert Advice to Home Builders in NAHB's Best in American Living Magazine Featured

Joan Inglis, Founder and Lead Designer of Carolina Spaces - the leading home staging, model merchandising and interior design firm in North and South Carolina, was asked to provide her expertise to home builders in the Spring 2018 issue of NAHB's Best in American Living Magazine.  Joan shared her wealth of home staging and interior design knowledge by authoring the article "Set the Stage."

In her article, Joan explains the value of staging for home builders, when done properly by a professional experienced with new home sales. She also provides a list of Do's and Don'ts for Inventory Home Staging.

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Joan Inglis has been featured dozens of times on TV, online and in print.  She has won numerous local, state, regional and international awards since forming her company, Carolina Spaces, in 2004.  Carolina Spaces is the leading expert in Home Staging, Luxury Home Staging, Model Home Merchandising and Interior Design in the Charlotte, NC region and provides award-winning services for home builders nationwide.  Call 1-855-SPACES-5 or Contact Us for more information.

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